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Join date: Jan 16, 2024


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If you're like me, you're trying to give every ounce of your energy to make a difference in the lives of your students. You realize this is a sacred job, one that has a rippling effect beyond what can be measured. You spend your own money on your class, making it just right: comfy and cozy with great materials for the most exciting projects that will hook your students from the start. You spend free time on weekends and breaks thinking about the next units, creating something so fabulous, you'll know they'll remember it for a long time. You think about their learning styles and interests, designing each lesson with care and intention. You want to see passionate learners, lightbulbs going off in their heads like rapid-fire, and kids who feel inspired to dig deeper. That is why you work so hard. You want each day to be one where you know you made a difference.

With 20 years of experience in the progressive and public-school setting and holistically healing my son, I have met and worked with so many outstanding educators out there who want the very best for their students who work tirelessly to be the best teachers they can be. Those teachers are often the ones who are feeling burnt out from all of the intense preparation that goes into the craft of teaching, wishing they could also take care of themselves and their own family. I have your solution! I want to help you be amazing, but not feel exhausted in your daily life.

Come join me in this journey of inspiring our future!

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